the tests
The first-year entrance exam for the Art course consists of five tests. Candidates who do not complete all five tests will not be considered.
To 16 from 18 april 2021
Practical test (coefficient 2)
Candidates are required to answer an exam question by producing an artwork using a technique of their choice. The creation should demonstrate the candidate’s capacities for reflection, observation, representation and imagination.
Theory test (coefficient 2)
The theory test is a written essay on one of these three topics: the discussion of one or more works; artistic culture; or general knowledge. The paper should demonstrate the candidate’s capacities for reflection, analysis and observation. The jury will consider the quality of the language used and the originality of the argument.
Foreign language test (coefficient 1)
The foreign language test is a written gap-fill test. Answers should demonstrate the candidate’s understanding of a foreign language (four languages to choose from: English, German, Spanish, Italian).
Le portfolio (coefficient 1)
Digital file in PDF format of 20 pages and 10 MB maximum. The candidate will create the layout of the portfolio using software such as Word, Open Office, Scribus, Canva. To take photos of their work, candidates can use their smartphone. Once the portfolio is finished, he or she will save it on the Parcoursup platform.
The 27 and 28 april 2021 in Angers
Interview with a jury of lecturers from TALM (coefficient 4)
The interview will be based on:
- the candidate’s motivation letter previously submitted when registering on the Parcoursup website in the “Projet de formation motivé” section;
- the candidate’s presentation of a portfolio of their work to the jury (around 25 artworks produced outside of school). The candidates can compile their portfolio in any way they choose.
Entry requirements
Age and qualifications
Candidates must be at least 18 years old within the calendar year or else provide parental authorisation, and must hold a Baccalaureate or equivalent of any type. Students in their final year of high school can enrol for the entrance exam. Their enrolment will be confirmed once they have passed their Baccalaureate exams (or equivalent).
All candidates – students in their final year of high school and undergraduates – are invited to enrol for the entrance exam via Parcoursup, France’s higher education admissions platform.
Candidates who do not hold a Baccalaureate and who are over 18 years of age may be eligible to sit the Art entrance exam if they obtain permission from the exemption committee.
Candidates wishing to obtain exemption will have to prove that they have several years of professional experience in the artistic and/or scientific fields. Then, they should send the following documents to their first choise of campus:
- a CV;
- a motivation letter;
- a portfolio of their artwork.
International candidates
Non-French-speaking international candidates must have sufficient French language skills to be able to read and communicate. They must also attest to having at least level B2 at the TCF (French language test) or the DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) – see for more details – and provide a copy of their qualifications with a certified translation if necessary.
Admin fees
Candidates are required to pay a €50 non-refundable admin fee before sitting the first-year entrance exam. This amount is set annually by the TALM Executive Board.