TALM experiments includes participatory projects where actors are involved in both the mechanism and the changing product. They contribute directly to the process, participating during the phase of problem identification phases, the solution development phases, and the experiment’s implementation, evaluation and review phases. Experimentation is both an action and a tool. It surpasses its own goal of solving a local problem to produce long-term knowledge and effects for other actors. It is particularly relevant in acquiring skills and knowledge in ways other than research production. The experiments conducted by TALM are in the field of design.

Mouvements et Pauses participative workshop
In 2017-2018, TALM-Tours developed the Mouvements et Pauses (Movements and Pauses) project, a participatory [...]

Proteiform Block of Becoming (BDD)
Bloc de devenir (BDD), was founded in 2016, further to a collaboration between professors Christophe [...]

Applicative workshop in sound design, support for multidisciplinary experiments
Sonification questions the use of sound to convey information, meaning, in different contexts. This practice [...]