Flâneries en paysage (Strolling through Landscape)
Strolling is a way of walking with no particular purpose, at a slow pace, amenable to drifting, and engaged by incidental attention to what happens. As such, strollers are adventurous walkers who take time to satisfy their curiosity. It is the ambiguity of strolling that seems to produce effects. Considered to be a creative tool, it activates physical and mental movement. Strolling is a resource for artists, intellectuals, city planners, space designers, landscape artists and architects. To explore Flâneries en paysage is first to question the hypothesis whereby this method of movement can occur in different spaces. It then questions the specific methods for strolling through these varied landscapes and what they do to our creative power. Finally, it looks at the political and educational reasons for strolling.
Research results
Conference programme
- “Quelles experiences des paysages par la flânerie ? (What landscape experiences when strolling?);
- “Flâneries en paysages sonores” (Strolling through sound landscapes);
- “Les contre-pratiques de la flânerie” (Strolling counter-practices).
Published work
Publication of Flâneries en paysage activities planned for 2021.
Connection to the curriculum
The conference programme was part of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th-year curriculum.
Programme information
- Campus: TALM-Le Mans.
- Professor: Rachel Rajalu.
- Duration of the program: 2017-2019.
- Partners: musée du Carré Plantagenêt.
- Funding: TALM.