Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage
The tests
The first-year entrance exam for Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage only applies to the Tours campus. It takes place in two stages: eligibility tests and admission tests.
Eligibility tests from 14 to 16 april 2021 (Parcoursup)
Admission tests
Les candidat·es devront apporter des exemples de travaux de dessin et de couleur pouvant prendre la forme d'un portfolio d'œuvres photographiées et (ou) d'un corpus de travaux. Nombre de travaux à présenter : maximum 10. L'examen de ces travaux se fera pendant l'épreuve de modelage.
21 april 2021
Modelling test: copie à l'échelle 1 d'un plâtre (8 heures, coefficient 3).
Pendant cette épreuve pratique, le jury analysera la portfolio/les travaux présentés par les candidat·es et pourra poser quelques questions.
22 april 2021
- General knowledge (coefficient 1) : examen écrit portant sur des questions d'histoire de l'art, de physique-chimie et de conservation-restauration.
- Entretien avec le jury (coefficient 3) : l'entretien permettra au jury d'analyser la motivation, le parcours, la cohérence du projet de formation et le travail de chaque candidat.e.
Attention, les résultats d'admissibilité seront communiqués le 19 avril 2021. Les épreuves d'admission auront lieu les 21 et 22 avril 2021. Il appartient donc au·à la candidat·e d'anticiper sa venue sur Tours.
Entry requirements
Age and qualifications
Candidates must be at least 18 years old within the calendar year or else provide parental authorisation, and must hold a Baccalaureate or equivalent of any type. Students in their final year of high school can enrol for the entrance exam. Their enrolment will be confirmed once they have passed their Baccalaureate exams (or equivalent).
All candidates – students in their final year of high school and undergraduates – are invited to enrol for the entrance exam via Parcoursup, France’s higher education admissions platform.
Candidates who do not hold a Baccalaureate and who are over 18 years of age may be eligible to sit the Art entrance exam if they obtain permission from the exemption committee.
International candidates
Non-French-speaking international candidates must have sufficient French language skills to be able to read and communicate. They must also attest to having at least level B2 at the TCF (French language test) or the DELF (Diplôme d'études en langue française) – see for more details – and provide a copy of their qualifications with a certified translation if necessary.
Admin fees
Candidates are required to pay a €50 non-refundable admin fee before sitting the first-year entrance exam. This amount is set annually by the TALM Executive Board.